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tv   At This Hour With Berman and Bolduan  CNN  October 28, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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but they are looking to see apiece. it should be so exciting and kind of chilly because you see they are wearing winter caps. whether or not there's any kind hey, it's chicago/cleveland. of weird thing going on. what do you expect? what i mean by that is that thank you for joining me. i'm carol costello. "at this hour with berman and bolduan" starts now. somebody's trying to vote and being kept from voting. that is something that is critical to make sure that people know that they have the right to vote. another thing that has happened hello. in the past is that the polls i'm john berman. >> i'm kate bolduan. have shut down with people in a day of good news for all of line wanting to vote. you. one, it's friday. i will tell you something else two, it's the second to last friday of the 2016 campaign. that happened in an election in three, john berman can no longer florida not so long ago, is it say the word fortnight at least with a straight face. just so happened in a black donald trump hitting the neighborhood that they decided campaign trail and hitting the states he really, really, really needs to win and to hit the to do some sewage cleaning at magic number of 270 starting today with a rally in new the time the people were hampshire, then to maine, then standing in line, and obviously to iowa. >> hillary clinton goes to iowa the smell from that cleaning was herself today. of course, everyone can save a lot of time and money if we just horrific and what you have is an canceled the election and made donald trump president as he opportunity to call into the
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suggested. more on that later. election supervisor. i was active also in the kerry first let's go to cnn's senior white house correspondent jim acosta. campaign. we learned from the previous he is following the trump gore campaign, every person had campaign in manchester, new hampshire. i know you know this from watching our episode yesterday. a cell phone so they could it all comes down to new hampshire. immediately, every person who was a poll watcher had the cell phone so they could immediately >> reporter: you know, looking contact the election supervisor. at donald trump's path to you want to make sure there were victory, the electoral map, it enough lines available into the really could come down to new hampshire. there are several states here election supervisor to deal with that are very key to donald any problem that might come up trump at this point and one of during the election. them is new hampshire. >> and with the rhetoric in this he's going to be here in about an hour and a half from now as election so far, there are a lot part of sort of a new england more people watching these polls swing. he's going to be in maine later very very closely but learning on today. what the rules are and what's you mentioned a few moments ago allowed at these polling that donald trump was joking stations is a very important thing and will be very important when he said perhaps they should just call off the election and going forward. thanks so much. declare donald trump the winner. >> thank you. i think that would be the soon we will hear from definition of rigged. but you know, he is definitely donald trump. he is live. live pictures right there in manchester, new hampshire. packing a pretty hefty schedule here in this home stretch. the not so humongous state, 11 days to go. though, could have a humongous i think one interesting thing to impact on this election. note, those new fec numbers that it will for donald trump.
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came out late last night showing he needs new hampshire. we will take you there when he that he only gave $31,000 to his speaks live. >> a little state with a big campaign in the first three heart. four electoral votes that matter weeks of october so essentially a lot. he's promised to give $100 million to his campaign. he's at $56 million so far. >> seriously. wikileaks and clinton foundation and obamacare. how do democrats feel about so $44 million in these last 11 hillary clinton? your family. my ancestor, lady eleanor, made it big in textiles. days. the question is how much good would that do at this point. i will say that the trump my great-grandfather bernard wrote existential poetry. campaign and the rnc held a and uncle john was an explorer. joint conference call earlier this morning. they are saying that there is no i inherited their can-do spirit. distance between the trump campaign and the rnc when it and their double chin. comes to getting out the vote now, i'm going to do something about it. for this campaign. kybella® is the first of its kind injectable treatment in this final stretch, the campaign is saying they are that destroys fat under the chin, going to be devoting most of leaving an improved profile. their resources to digital and kybella® is an fda-approved non-surgical treatment for adults with a moderate amount of fullness... tv advertising while the rnc will be working on getting out or a bit more. don't receive kybella® if you the vote. they say their door knocking operation is exceeding where have an infection in the treatment area. kybella® can cause nerve injury in the jaw things were in 2012. they are preaching a lot of resulting in an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness, confidence at this point. the question, though, is going and trouble swallowing. tell your doctor about all medical conditions, to come down to turnout, getting including if you: have had or plan to have this campaign to get its surgery or cosmetic treatments on your face, neck or chin; volunteers to the polls, just sort of that good old-fashioned have had or have medical conditions in or near your neck
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politicking that we had or have bleeding problems. questions about during the primaries. remember we asked those tell your doctor about all medicines you take. questions during the primaries, is donald trump really just a the most common side effects are swelling, campaign about himself and so bruising, pain, numbness, redness, and areas of hardness forth, but he showed during in the treatment area. those primaries that yes, the find a doctor at big rallies can translate in getting people to the polls and that he can really run up the scoreboard when it comes to election day. of course, all of that is going to be tested because he does not have a competitor, did not have a challenger like he does right now in hillary clinton. but he's going to be out here in about an hour and a half from now. i think one other big question, does donald trump address these latest economic numbers showing 2.9% growth in the third quarter as he's been saying all along this economy is not doing as well as it should right now. does he weigh in on those numbers when he comes out here in about 90 minutes from now. >> those numbers just out. we will talk about them in a minute. a lot better than a lot of economists had predicted. jim acosta, thanks so much. we are still a month away from thanksgiving but this morning there's a political float so big it won't even fit in the macy's
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parade. reports that somehow, just appeared out of nowhere that should she win, hillary clinton is considering joe biden as secretary of state. the same joe biden who is currently the vice president. >> cnn global affairs correspondent elise labott is at the state department watching all of this. talk to us about this float. >> if you remember, in 2012, there were these rumors they were going -- that hillary clinton as secretary of state and joe biden were going to switch jobs. you always have this kind of speculation when there comes time to name a cabinet. certainly both hillary clinton and donald trump are looking to prepare for the inevitability of being president, naming a cabinet and secretary of state is obviously one that hillary clinton's going to be looking at very closely having served in the job. so political reporting this morning that joe biden is the very top of a short list of candidates for secretary of state. our reporting suggests his name
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is being bandied about by her transition team as part of a very long list of qualified candidates that could be presented to her for secretary of state. nothing has been presented to her yet. but that list ranges from joe biden to former top state department officials to possibly even secretary kerry himself staying in the job. so not really sure that he's really at the top of that list. it wouldn't put it past secretary clinton to name someone out of the box and certainly joe biden would be an unorthodox candidate, but he did serve as chairman of the foreign relations, senate foreign relations committee, has handled a lot of international issues for the obama administration, but if you look back, him and secretary clinton have disagreed on a lot of foreign policy issues ranging from iraq, afghanistan, now the war in syria. so it's certainly a lot of fun speculation and his name is being bandied about as someone that could do the job, but not sure he's really the most likely candidate.
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>> that's right. all right. great to see you. thank you so much. with us to discuss, mary katherine hamm, political commentator and senior writer for the federalist. democratic strategist and hillary clinton supporter, emily sisman, campaign director for the center for american process action fund. john phillips, donald trump supporter and alex burn, national political reporter at the "new york times." thanks for being here. emily, the clinton campaign or someone within clinton land floating joe biden at the top of the list potentially for secretary of state. a lot of talk in politics this smells of deliberate. now about how comfortable hm? >> potentially. republican candidates are i do think he would be an running with donald trump at the top of the ticket. excellent choice for her. what i think it shows by her but what about democratic putting the name out there, candidates? how comfortable are they with somebody in clinton land putting hillary clinton? >> joining us now is randy the fame out there, she's serious about governing. if you are just trying to get to perkins, one of the democrats election day and just trying to bring people out on the other running for an open seat in side to vote against the other florida. we should mention we also candidate or whatever is happening right now, then they invited brian mass, your wouldn't be talking seriously opponent. about somebody to run one of the he was booked but canceled this
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most major cabinet posts who has morning. let's talk about the issues that a long history working with both are facing every candidate, sides of the aisle. facing all the voters as they are preparing to head to the people really respect biden polls. within the senate. is obamacare working? he has a very good relationship. i think by putting a pinky toe >> well, listen, it's clearly done some very good things. out there of indicating who she it's provided insurance to may be potentially looking for for cabinet post, it shows she's families and loved ones with pre-existing conditions, it's very serious about getting provided insurance to millions of americans across this country things done and actually working that did not have it. towards solutions. >> all right. it's allowed our younger alex, very quickly on this subject, i think it's time to generation to stay on their family's insurance policy now move on from this froloat, how until they're 26, in certain many voters does this sway? >> i don't know that there are cases companies can extend that that many. maybe in delaware that's a big benefit to 30 years. but clearly, there are a lot of float. i don't know that there are a lot of people undecided who will problems with the affordable say if i could have joe biden as care act and the speaker ryan secretary of state i will vote for hillary clinton. has said it's not getting having said that, i think it shows how much this race has repealed and we can't do it. moved over the last two years you are not going to undo something. from if you think back to the are we supposed to tell families beginning of this campaign we that have loved ones on cancer all thought that the biggest danger for hillary clinton would treatment, getting radiation, be getting portrayed as the children with childhood diabetes third term of barack obama. in 90 days or 120 days, all this the fact joe biden is in the mix is going to stop, the care you for a role like this, she's really staked her candidacy on are being provided, medical the idea of four more years. treatment you are being provided >> of course, it only matters if now is going to stop?
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no. that's not the way to do it. she wins. we have to look at the things right? there is some new polling out today, abc news which is doing a that aren't working and clearly there are a lot of things that daily track, i'm old enough to aren't working, and solve those remember when abc news and "the problems. we need to strengthen the things that are working. washington post" had hillary clinton up by 12 points. there are things that are working and things that aren't. >> earlier this week. i look forward to working with >> monday. congress to solve the things now it's four. so alex, the question is, how that need to be solved. >> you probably have seen the wikileaks, hacked e-mails coming much is their hair on fire over this and how much should it be? from the kriclinton campaign. >> in the big picture, hillary there has been a number of clinton has had a pretty steady things revealed including lead in the mid to high single information about the clinton foundation although there was a lot known about the clinton digits. a couple of the poll numbers foundation before the wikileaks that had her at 10, 11, 12 point issue came up. are you comfortable with how the lead, those were eye-popping and i think probably may have been clinton foundation raised money overstated at the time. i know talking to the clinton at the same time that bill clinton was making money off of people from last week, the last couple days, they have always some of the same people for paid anticipated that this race would speeches? tighten, that if we were taking the temperature of the campaign, >> what i am comfortable with is really at a low point for donald trump when republicans were just deserting his candidacy in the wonderful things the clinton droves, republicans even then had the sense some of those foundation has done in the united states and worldwide. voters would come back into the clean water, sanitation fold. i don't know, we still haven't products, humanitarian needs, issues with our refugee crisis seen a major national poll that around the world, promoting shows this even as a toss-up race. i wouldn't necessarily overread development, expanding
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the movement over the last couple days. opportunities for women, not >> kind of a little to your only in this country but all over the world. point, even republicans will say there are a lot of very good things the clinton foundation this is a little bit if not a does and i stand behind those. >> here's the thing. we have heard very similar lot when you look at the numbers answer from the clinton campaign of republicans coming home. if republicans are coming home, if this is what this looks like, what's bringing them home? and the dnc to be quite honest. it feels a little bit like a >> look, i think it may be just coming down to the wire and dodge, mr. perkins. no one wants to answer directly getting in the booth and being faced with this decision. to the question of this close by the way, i think the joe relationship, what republicans biden thing is as simple as point to is pay to play between having michelle obama on the trail, hey, you guys don't like the clinton foundation and me this much, let's talk about clinton family. someone you do like, joe biden. i'm kind of struck that if and i think it's as simple as that. when donald trump faces similar look, i think there is some questions or would dodge coming home but when it comes to these individual states like questions about the trump florida which he really has to foundation, democrats would be lighting their hair on fire. win, you look at the numbers what's different here? like 85% of republicans with him as opposed to '92 with mitt >> well, first of all, i'm romney, there's got to be a lot running to represent district 18 of movement there. there's got to be a lot of in congress and we have unique movement in not that much time when as we have heard over the issues in this district, whether it's our environmental issues past couple days, he's not specific to this district, same raising that much money or spending that much money or issues we have had our seniors throwing that much of his own money into this race when he in this district and all over the country. relies on the rnc for get out opportunities for single
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the vote. mothers, our veterans, job i'm not sure how much of that's opportunities, the economy. going to happen in the last, so i'm running to represent what, 11 days here. this. whoever represents this >> and voting has actually district, whether me or my already started in most major opponent, their job is to represent the interests of this swing states, in almost every district, not only the state people are voting by mail democrats, independents and or voting in early vote republicans alike. that's what i'm going to concentrate on. >> sure. locations. but you were at the hillary clinton event in lake worth this so how much place does he have week. she talked about you, you talked to move? about her. >> sorry to cut you off. clearly you are supporting her campaign. mary katherine talking about we are just trying to establish republicans coming home but if again, it's interesting for they are, they are sort of maybe voters around the country to get locking the doors to donald a feel for what's going on out trump a little bit. there in some different places, because there are these ads out what it's like to run with there now being floated by a different people at the top of the ticket. republican super pac there have been issues and questions about honest and specifically suggesting that hillary clinton is going to win trustworthiness, an issue where hillary clinton has not been and you need to elect this polling strongly. in some cases she trails donald senator or congressman to stand trump on that issue. so do you think that hillary clinton is honest? up. watch. >> no one would give hillary a >> i do think she's honest. blank check to run up trillions in new debts and job-destroying i think she's the best, clearly the best choice for president for our economy, for our jobs, taxes. >> one hillary in washington for keeping this country safe, for our seniors, for our would be bad enough. >> it seems mixed messages. veterans. but i think we should do this. republicans coming home on the i think both republicans and one hand, if you look at the democrats need to quit looking
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polls but on the other hand in the rear view mirror about saying we think trump's done so we trying to stand up to hillary clinton. what happened yesterday and start focusing on how to work together to solve the problems >> well, we have seen different of today and tomorrow. dynamics in this race that in until we get to that point on both sides, we're not going to 2012 and 2008, where mitt romney really move the dial on the did very well in the deeply red things we need to move the dial on in this country. states. he cleaned barack obama's clock that's what i believe. >> so looking wildly into the in texas and a lot of the southern states, places like future, meaning a week plus, is utah, the rocky mountain west, hillary clinton going to win but then lost all of those florida? purple states that are up for >> absolutely she's going to win grabs this time around. florida. i look forward to serving this in 2016, trump is doing much worse than mitt romney in places district when she's president of like utah, arizona, texas, the united states. although i think he will ultimately end up winning in those states, but has performed much stronger in those purple >> all right. maybe a tougher question. states, in places like north is patrick murphy, the democrat carolina, ohio, iowa, than mitt running to unseat marco rubio, romney and john mccain. is he going to win next week? so if you are a republican that's running in a red state, then things are probably a lot >> i believe i'm clearly voting more tight this time around than for patrick as well as hillary they were in previous years. and supporting them both very in purple states, i think the top of the ticket is helping you strongly as they are me. there are polls all over the more than it has in recent place, clearly, we all know elections. >> what do you make of it? that. i think he's doing a great job. he's been great for this
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>> i think john has a good point district. most importantly, he has clearly shown his ability to work cross about the shifting geography of the race. republicans running for senate the aisle and i'm going to beat and congress don't feel donald that drum day in and day out. trump is lifting them up in purple states. >> they think he's not, for lack it's hard enough to work with of a better term, tanking the people in your own party, but if ticket as much as they thought you can't reach across the aisle that he would. and work with republicans on remember, those fears were rampant in the primary. your committees and >> the hope for republican house subcommittees, nothing is going to get done in this country for and senate candidates for awhile any of us. >> little bit of a different now really since the first debate or maybe even since labor answer. you said hillary clinton is day has not been that trump definitely going to win. would win this election. patrick murphy you say you are definitely voting for him. republicans have been very pessimistic about that for months now. that's a different answer. it's that he would lose narrowly >> let me clarify that. and narrowly enough so that patrick murphy will be the next u.s. senator from the state of republicans like pat toomey running for re-election in pennsylvania or the candidates florida. >> appreciate your time. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. who were mentioned in the ads, appreciate it. they would be able to outperform coming up, donald trump the national ticket and get across the finish line. if trump loses by four instead taking the trump train to of 12 and you have these ads out manchester, new hampshire. a lot at stake in that tiny there telling voters just make state. we will bring that to you live sure to get out there and vote when it begins. for a republican house and senate candidates as a check on the democratic president, that's my afib sort of the best case scenario, from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. best case realistic scenario a that'd be devastating. lot of republicans have been i took warfarin for over 15 years imagining. >> i brought up the money.
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until i learned more about once-daily xarelto... let's get back to that. hillary clinton got a lot of it a latest generation blood thinner. and donald trump doesn't. then there's the issue of donald then i made the switch. trump said he would put $100 xarelto® significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people million of his own money into the campaign. with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. he hasn't. he's got $56 million. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. he put $30,000 only in in the warfarin interferes with vitamin k first two weeks of this month. and at least six blood clotting factors. hillary clinton actually put more of her own money into her xarelto® is selective targeting one critical factor campaign. his kids haven't donated to his of your body's natural clotting function. campaign. what message does that sound? for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, >> to my liberal friends and colleagues, if you wanted money there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare out of politics, who knew trump in reducing the risk of stroke. was your man. look, there's a historic low like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, number of tv ads running, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. negative ads running on tv while taking you may bruise more easily, because they haven't put much and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. money into it. this is a very unconventional xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding race. you're right, there are purple if you take certain medicines. states that trhrow the map into xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases fatal bleeding. question but the problem for republicans has been for several get help right away for unexpected bleeding, cycles the map is tough for unusual bruising or tingling. them. it is still tough and he has to if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto not just win the red states that watch for back pain mitt romney and mccain won, but or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. turn some of the other states. do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve there's promise for doing that
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but you have to run an almost or abnormal bleeding. perfect game and to let the tell your doctor before all planned medical bottom fall out of fund-raising or dental procedures. when you rely on the rnc to do before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, your get out the vote because you don't have a conventional such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. operation, that's a problem. you can't run a perfect game that way for the next 11 days. to help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. >> not only an almost perfect there's more to know. game. you have to run a perfect game in order to run the path he has xarelto. before him right now. >> you have to play the game. sometimes to play the game it takes money, right? you have to be willing to spend it. >> you always get the last word. >> you're right. i'm sorry. i retract my comment. stick around. a lot more to discuss about money, about other things and also this. the lawyer who repped al gore in 2000 is saying to donald trump save your breath, challenging an election is near impossible. he will explain live. plus the headline you don't want coming out of a senate debate. racially charged attack. that's what republican senator mark kirk is up against today after this. >> families like mine are the ones that bleed first. >> i had forgotten that your parents came all the way from
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cnn is proud to announce the top ten cnn heroes of 2016. each honoree will receive a cash prize and shot at the top honor. robert kearney: i fought for my country in kosovo and iraq, cnn's hero of the year earning and i've been a republican all my life. one of them an additional but i'm the father of three girls. i can't stand hearing $100,000 for this cause. >> you, you get to help decide who that person will be. donald trump call women pigs, dogs, and bimbos...and i sure here's anderson cooper to show you exactly how. don't want my daughters hearing it. i want my girls to grow up >> now that we've announced the proud and strong, in a nation where they're valued top ten cnn heroes of 2016, i want to show you how you can and respected. donald trump's america is not the country i help decide who should be seen in "hero of the year" and fought for. so, i'm voting for hillary clinton. hillary clinton: receive $100,000 to help continue their work. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. go to to learn
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more about each hero. when ready click vote over here and choose your favorite. confirm using either your e-mail or facebook account and you're set. this year for the first time you can also vote through facebook messenger and on twitter. you can vote up to ten times a day per method every day through december 6th and rally your friend and on social media and reveal during the tenth annual cnn heroes and allstart tribute, sunday december 11th. you can meet all of this year's top ten heroes and vote every day to help decide who should be our cnn hero of the year. all ten will be honored at the tenth annual cnn heroes and allstart tribute, bunt only one sgr in a political year named "hero of the year." chock-full of wow moments, this one might qualify as a double wow. maybe even a holy wow. join anderson and special last night, during a senate co-host kelly ripa sunday, debate in illinois, republican
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senator mark kirk seemed to december 11th. question even mock the ancestry going old school this week, of his democratic challenger, i mean like williams congresswoman tammy duckworth. shakespeare. 14 days left in the election, >> my family has served this too literal. nation in uniform going back to two weeks? the revolution. i'm a daughter of the american overdone. fortnight, annoyingly just revolution. i have bled for this nation. right. for a friday, a brief walk down >> i had forgotten that your memory lane. parents came all the way from thailand to serve george washington. >> what is the final fortnight of the 2016 election campaign? >> all right. tammy duckworth was born in i'm going to say the word thailand. her mother is of chinese her ij fortnight all day long. get used to it. >> tough guy. there tough guy. >> it is the final fortnight in ta this election. >> why would you even say that? -- heritage. >> it is the final fortnight in >> duckworth is an iraq war this election. veteran and purple heart >> it is the final fortnight, which means two weeks. it does. what it means t. does. recipient. the big question here, is donald just -- >> it means two weeks. trump's campaign and the top of the ticket coming to the defense >> this is not normal. of this down ballot republican? >> how we mention it is the not so much. his campaign manager kellyanne final fortnight? conway tweeted this. >> come on, man. >> just a fortnight. the same mark kirk that >> the final fortnight, berman unendorsed his party's presidential nominee and called says about the campaign. >> the final fortnight, minus him out in paid ads? one.
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got you. >> has so dumbed down this good luck. that's from kellyanne conway. election. >> election day is exactly two let's bring back the panel. weeks away. a fortnight. emily, you see this, you think >> oh! well said. >> as john berman would say. what? >> that's horrifying. >> we are in the final fo >> that it added a very strange dynamic in the presidential and down ballot where it seems okay fortnight, christine roman as i to be questioning people's military service across the board. we saw it with the khans with trump. this is the second time it like to say it. >> joe biden threatened to take happened in the kirk/duckworth race. very strange dynamic. me behind the gym. it's also happening in missouri in the senate race there. common courtesy, haven't said it i think of the dynamic between once. >> top of the show in order to set up the surprise segment. conway and kirk, what we are you cannot say it anymore. seeing right now, is when voters in swing states who have these you are not william shakespeare. senate races up for grabs as well are trying to figure out >> fortnight, in the midst of it how to balance, do they show up right now. for trump or if not, do they fortnight my you know what. >> "inside politics" begins show up for the republican right after this. senatorial candidate and basically what we are seeing right now is that voters who are unsure, republicans that run sure, feel like anything the republican does is a political tactic. if they endorse or unendorse
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they are doing it for politics. that's what they have to balance. >> i had to watch it a few times because i could not believe it the first time i saw it. i'm not sure it really had to do as much with military service as just a statement that was practically flat out racist. i'm not even sure it has to do with republican, democrat or anything other than just it was you tell your inthey made a mistake. crazy. your thoughts? the check they sent isn't enough >> yeah. illinois is a special case. to replace your totaled new car. these are two of the only the guy says they didn't make the mistake. politicians in that state that i you made the mistake. can think of that have never had i beg your pardon? to prove themselves in the he says, you should have chosen full-car replacement. prison yard. so the fact that he said something spicy at a debate, i excuse me? let me be frank, he says. you picked the wrong insurance plan. still think keeps him head and no. i picked the wrong insurance company. shoulders above most of his colleagues there. we have seen very strange things in a lot of senate debates that with liberty mutual new car replacement™, have gone on that have been we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. largely ignored because the presidential race sucked up all the air in the room. here in california, loretta call sanchez did a dab at her debate with kamela harris which was and if you have more than one liberty mutual policy, certainly reported in california you qualify for a but didn't get much attention multi-policy discount, saving you money on your car elsewhere. >> it did on social media. and home coverage. i will tell you that much.
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strange things happen at debates call liberty mutual for a free quote today. i guess we can say. at there has been a lot of lighting of the hair on fire, i think you that's said you were lighting it -- liberty stands with you™ >> it's still on fire. liberty mutual insurance. >> does that fit into that category? this is donald trump speaking to a crowd about canceling the election. watch this. >> we should just cancel the election and just give it to trump, right? what do we even have -- what are we having it for? her policies are so bad. boy, do we have a big difference. >> for donald trump as -- no shocker here, has said a lot of things a lot of people, their eyes popping out of their heads. this one was a joke. i think at some point, we should be able to say he told a joke and he's allowed to tell a joke. >> sure. when you look at the things that trump has said about the electoral process over the last couple weeks, talking of rigged elections, urging supporters to
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go into urban areas and monitor you know who at the polls. >> that was no joke. >> that was not a joke. this is the kind of thing you can imagine maybe not the most conventional candidate saying but certainly somebody within the mainstream of american sort of political theater saying. i think a lot of people at this point are so desensitized to some of the not red card level stuff trump says but certainly the yellow card level stuff he says. this probably falls into that category. >> excellent stalker reference there. mary katherine, try this on for size. donald trump floated another idea last night at an interview on fox news. the idea of suing nbc over the "access hollywood" tape that leaked out. watch this. >> these stories were fabricated. they are total lies. >> you are going to go through with the lawsuit? >> we'll find out. let's see what happens with the election. we are going to find out. >> at the same time this also comes as it seems that donald trump is now wavering on what he promised was he was going to sue
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all the women accusing him of sexual misconduct. this happened during an interview with george stephanopoulos. watch this. >> i think it was very negative, it was locker room talk. the microphone was not supposed to be on. not that i make that as an excuse for myself but certainly it was an illegal act that was nbc. it was not supposed to be on. >> you think it was illegal what they did putting that tape out? >> oh, absolutely. no, that was a private locker -- that was a private dressing room. yeah -- >> are you going to take action after the election against nbc? >> you'll see. you'll see. >> wrong order but you get the point. we all know that he is litigious. that's something folks have known about donald trump. but what is this getting him in the final days? i'm not going to sue them, i am politics." i'm john king. it is a fabulously beautiful going to sue them. what does it matter? >> that's the kind of thing he fall day in the nation's cares about. that's what he wants to talk
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about. capital. thanks for sharing time with us. he brings it up of his own volition when giving a policy millions already voting making speech because those are the things he cares about. it for a busy day on the as opposed to policy or actually campaign trail. donald trump due in new hampshire this hour. hillary clinton due soon in the election at hand. i'm not sure it does him any iowa. the running mates also in big good but i'm not sure he cares. he is a candidate who does not battlegrounds. president obama again in florida focusing on early voting. keep his eye on the ball, he guess what? in a brand new hillary clinton doesn't stay in the strike zone, tv ad. he keeps fighting these old fights, right. i think that's just who he is. >> all the progress we made these last eight years is on the and his base enjoys it and they like the fight that they see ballot. civility is on the ballot. there. but it does not actually get you respect for women is on the more votes outside your base on ballot. tolerance is on the ballot. equality is on the ballot. erection dhelection day which i send a message by votes for hillary clinton! need to be doing 11 days out. >> who thinks he will actually sue any of the people he just >> plus, hey, why wait? threatened to sue? signs galore of postelection let the record show not a single hand was raised. maneuvering like this. mary katherine, have a great would vice president joe b race. run fast. >> thanks so much. thanks for your support. coming up for us, donald trump says he will accept the results of the election if he likes the results. up next, a lawyer who worked on bush v gore tells us what
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trump's challenges would look like and what the chances are it would succeed. plus, there's a lot of talk about donald trump being a drag on republican candidates around the country but what about hillary clinton? how do democrats feel about her? we will put that to the test coming up. you both have a perfect driving record. perfect. no tickets. no accidents. that is until one of you clips a food truck ruining your perfect record. yup. now, you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack.
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just in to cnn, does this qualify as another october surprise like we haven't had enough? u.s. economy has grown 2.9%, the fastest growth in two years. >> but donald trump is not impressed. he released this statement moments ago. it says america can do better than the modest growth of 2.9% recorded for the third quarter
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and the dismal growth of 1.5% for the past year. growth hasn't risen above 3% for any full year in any year of the obama presidency. let us talk about this with christine romans, chief business correspondent and star of "early start." 2 .9% is better than economists expected. >> it's definitely a big improvement from earlier in the year. let's talk about where we are. 2.9%, double the growth in the beginning part of the year and relief, because a lot of other economic signs have been turning up. what this tells us is after a soft spot, the economy is still continuing to crawl out of the hole that happened seven years ago. it's still moving forward here. we look inside this number, we see consumer spending, we see business investment, not as bad as we expected. we see all kinds of cylinders of the american economy moving forward. donald trump has said 4% is the number. 4% is the number he could get. 4% is a number we have not seen since 1998 when bill clinton was the president.
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look at this trend. you go back to this 4%, look at how long it's been since we have been able to manage that. more recently, this is the trump complaint, more recently you had a really hard time staying even above 2% for economic growth. there's a big economic discussion about why that might be. is it productivity, is it a change in the fabric of the economy, how we measure things, but what we know about this number right here is that one of the most important pieces of economic data heading into the election and it tells us the economy is moving forward on trade, on immigration. ironically these are things adding to the economy according to many economists we talked to, business investment and consumers, things are looking better. i will give you one last piece of news here. this might be why we are seeing numbers like this. the cnn/orc poll we just took, how are things going in the country, 54% say well or very well. we are starting to see indicators that maybe, maybe people are starting to believe seven years into the recovery that we are in one. >> interesting. you see the president's approval rating over 50%, 54% of people
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saying things are going well. other people saying it's a change election. sometimes those things aren't always in agreement. thanks, christine. with early voting under way, donald trump is now suggesting the voting machines are rigged against him. that's the media being rigged and the media polls being rigged. >> trump campaign hasn't offered proof of this voting fraud but is this setting him up to challenge the election results after the fact? stephen sack represented al gore in 2000 and joins us now. thank you for joining us. >> pleasure. >> so every election, presidential campaigns put out armies of lawyers to watch, monitor the polls to make sure everything is working as well as it can. what in general, because this is absolutely become a focus, what in general are lawyers looking for when they are in the polls? >> well, there are two things they are looking for. one, before the election and then after the election. florida has a statute that
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controls the electoral process, and it requires an automatic recount if the vote is less than half a percent between the two candidates. and then after that recount, which is an automatic recount and done by machine, there has to be a manual recount if it's less than a quarter percent. so lawyers are looking to see what the actual vote looks like and whether or not the florida statute is going to come into pr play. >> what about all this talk trump is calling on people to watch the polls, keep your eye on the polls? what is allowed there? what does that mean exactly? >> well, there's poll watchers in all elections and both parties have poll watchers. and they are allowed to stand a certain distance from the voting place. they are not allowed to attack
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the person going to decide on their vote. they have to act in a very proper manner. if not they are ejected.
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